Single File Editor Check Box (selected) This box permits the the user to interactively edit a lone file's attributes. Effects of altering this control's state take effect on the next program launch. Single File Editor Check Box This box permits the the user to interactively edit a lone file's attributes. Effects of altering this control's state take effect on the next program launch. All Subdirectories Radio (disabled) This control forces the program to process files in all subdirectories of selected folders and disks. This item is disabled since 'Folder / Disk Contents' Check Box is not selected. Top Level Only Radio (disabled) This control forces the program to only process files in the top level directory of selected folders and disks. This item is disabled since 'Folder / Disk Contents' Check Box is not selected. Resolve Aliases Check Box (selected) This box permits the program to operate on the object to which an alias points. This option is currently selected. Resolve Aliases Check Box This box permits the program to operate on the object to which an alias points. Currently, the program will not resolve aliases. All Subdirectories Radio (selected) This control forces the program to process files in all subdirectories of selected folders and disks. All Subdirectories Radio This control forces the program to process files in all subdirectories of selected folders and disks. Currently 'Top Level Only' Radio is selected. Top Level Only Radio (selected) This control forces the program to only process files in the top level directory of selected folders and disks. Top Level Only Radio This control forces the program to only process files in the top level directory of selected folders and disks. Currently 'All Subdirectories' Radio is selected. Stationary Check Box (selected) This box permits the program to alter attributes of stationary files. This option is currently selected. Stationary Check Box This box permits the program to alter attributes of stationary files. Currently, the program will not operate on these files. Folder / Disk Contents Check Box (selected) This box permits the program to process files residing in selected folders or disks. This option is currently selected. Folder / Disk Contents Check Box This box permits the program to process files residing in selected folders or disks. Currently, the program will ignore the contents of folders and disks. Files Check Box (selected) This box permits the program to alter attributes of standard files (not alias or stationary). This option is currently selected. Files Check Box This box permits the program to alter attributes of standard files (not alias or stationary). Currently, the program will not operate on standard files. Aliases Check Box (selected) This box permits the program to alter attributes of alias files. This option is currently selected. Aliases Check Box This box permits the program to alter attributes of alias files. Currently, the program will not operate on these files. Cancel Button (selected) Releasing the mouse button while it is hilited will close this dialog box. Any modifications to the preferences will be discarded. Cancel Button Pressing this button will close this dialog box. Any modifications to the preferences will be discarded. OK Button (selected) Releasing the mouse button while it is hilited will close this dialog box and save the program's preferences. OK Button Pressing this button will close this dialog box and save the program's preferences. Preferences Dialog Box This dialog box permits the user to alter the several processing parameters of this program.